The Boozehounds were victorious last Thursday (5-2) and this we play in the Championship final for the first time in approximately 10 years. Christ, can't believe it's been that long.
Too many first round "early choke-jobs exits" from the playoffs over the years. FINALLY, we got a shot at winning another title. I want to win so fucking bad I can taste it. McNorn is totally pumped and will skate his bag off every shift. I mean (afterall), another 10 years would make me 46 years old and McNorn would be more like "Mc-older-and-fatter". I'd rather win a title with some 'game' left in the tank instead of a somebody
noticing us win and say "How cute, look at those really old, shitty hockey players celebrating!"
My wife and daughter are coming to watch so I will make sure I don't trip over the blue-line or score on my own net.
Speaking of my daughter...........she "officially" was crawling for the first time yesterday and it was amazing. I was in pure dad mode taking pictures and video's of the whole thing. It will be a great keepsake.............so proud of my little Mouse. Time to accept the fact that she will be getting into E-V-E--R-Y-T-H-I-N-G soon enough!
Suppose I could get a leash? Might need some ice for my head if I suggest that one to the wife.
Truth be told; she is growing up way too fast!!
But hey, that's how it goes right??
She is my joy and I love her with all my heart.
The Capitals are tied at one a piece in their series with the Habs heading into game #3 tonight in Montreal. Should be a good one.
Ovechkin has regained his touch (absent from game #1) and will be a wrecking ball again tonight. Can't wait to see what his playoff beard look like by the time the cup final rolls around. He is pretty shaggy looking (in a connect the dots kind of way).
On the topic of beards, I think my wife might sleep with me again since mine has grown back. Truth be told, I don't shave much......as in never.
Generous stubble is my look (goatee, beard)....end of story. I have shaved only ONCE is the past five years that I have known my wife. I shaved last November and she pretty much cried out RAPE when I walked in the bedroom. She thought I looked "funny" and not like "me".
I can say (in retrospect) that I didn't disagree and was happy when the stubble came back. ANYWHO...........I trimmed my beard VERY short last week and it was more 'shadow' than anything else and again, the rape whistle almost came out.
After the initial shock of my trim, my wife then asked me if I took two showers because she thought she heard the shower turn on twice.
I started to laugh...........she was right on the money. I had placed a towel over the sink in the bathroom to catch all my stubble so a big mess
wouldn't ensue. Even did my armpit hair.........yes...........I like it shorter.
When I was done, I carefully folded over the towel to keep the trimmings secure until I brought them downstairs and outside to 'shake loose'.
This was a usual format for me.
Well, I took a shower and after exiting the tub I grabbed my towel and started drying myself off. I then paused for a second as I looked at my chest and wondered if 36 is the age of accelerated chest hair growth for men? Something didn't add up and I didn't "get-it" yet. I looked in the mirror and much to my surprise, it dawned on me that I had used the towel with the trimmings to dry off my wet body........ I was turning into a 'weird-wolf'. I laughed out-loud for a second then jumped back into the shower to rinse off my stupidity. Have to admit, it was pretty funny.
Don't think I want armpit hair stuck to my upper lip again.........look liked Charlie Chaplin's perverted brother.
You may find my ice hockey t-shirts here.